Fast, intuitive, fully-featured, from mobile, to tablet, to desktop

A full life-cycle Agile management app for products, backlogs, stories, defects, tasks, and sprints

Agile With Teams

Our app provides the tools your team needs to collaboratively manage Agile/sprint projects effectively. From products, releases, backlogs, stories, sprint planning, and charting, we have it covered.

Simplified User Interface

We have made it a priority to simplify the user interface. You will find a focused approach with a reduction of distracting and confusing clutter.

Main tabs: Organization, Product, Backlog, Sprints, and Charts. That’s it.

Cost Effective

No additional cost per user or per product.

Pricing is based upon a central user with a one-time purchase that supports several products.

There are no additional charges to users invited to collaborate.

Collaborative Agile Planning

Our app is designed to foster seamless collaboration among team members, providing a rich set of features for effective teamwork throughout the Agile development process. From real-time communication to shared planning and execution, we prioritize collaboration at every stage.

Real-Time Updates

Stay connected with your team through instant updates. Changes made by one team member are reflected for others, ensuring everyone is on the same page, whether you're planning sprints or tracking progress.

Shared Backlogs and Stories

Collaborate on backlogs, stories, and tasks effortlessly. Our platform allows team members to contribute to backlog refinement, story creation, and task assignments, promoting a collaborative environment that drives project success.

Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop

Our app is designed with a mobile-first approach. All app features are supported on all supported device types.

Supported on: iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS, with iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Online, Offline

On a plane? Need to work on a new User Story or create some new Epics? Go ahead. When your device is back online, the app will synchronize your edits.

Of course, two users working concurrently on the same story or data element may result in one user’s overwriting the work of another.

Data Privacy

All data is stored on your own devices and your Apple iCloud account. Outside of the app, we don’t access your iCloud account.

We don’t see your business data, and no business data passes through our servers. We don’t think software application providers should be seeing your confidential business data.

Easy Admin

We have simplified the adding of users, setting roles, and creating products, to just a couple of taps.

Roles are simplified to: Organization Owner, Product Owner, and Product Team Member.

Free Tier

Take your first step with our app – risk-free! Our free tier unlocks all features for one Product without any time constraints. Feel free to invite additional users for seamless collaboration.

In essence, our free tier allows you to explore our app fully, without any commitment or risk.


Introducing JointAgile’s dynamic timeline view—a powerful tool for Agile teams. This feature allows you to visualize and manage the progress of multiple projects in real-time, with distinct phases like Beta, MVP, and various releases clearly marked.. Stay ahead with real-time updates and intuitive visual planning.

The single sprint burndown chart shows the progress of a specific sprint for a given product and release.

There is also a burndown chart for all sprints in a release, and one for all sprints for all releases of a product.

The organization tab creates the unit that holds one or more products.

The product tab is used to describe a product and all of the subsequent product releases.

The backlog tab is where features, epics, stories, tasks, and defects are created, ranked, and managed.

Custom item types, e.g. Refinement, can also be defined.

Sprint planning and ranking is simply drag-and-drop between the backlog and a sprint.

The sprint board show the workflow of the sprint items. Here, items can also be dragged-and-dropped to move them through the workflow.

This chart shows the burndown for all the sprints in a product release.

This points-per-item-type chart shows how many points were estimated for item type (e.g. story, task, defect) for each sprint.

This days-per-item-type chart approximates the average number of days each item took for each product release.